Hello and welcome!
Chances are, you're here because you've reached the stage of your publishing journey where you're thinking about having your manuscript professionally edited, and you want to work with someone who doesn't just tolerate the dark and strange aspects of your work, but someone who genuinely loves them.
And more than that? You want to feel like you've gained a deeper understanding of your own writing and have new tools to use for your next manuscript.
Maybe most importantly, though, you're concerned about sending off your dark, steamy, spooky, or bloody manuscript to an editor who will feel judgmental, shocked, or scandalized by what you've poured so much of yourself into.
Well, my friend, you've come to the right place! My number one goal is to help you elevate your manuscript and your craft, and I do that by helping you see the best parts of your writing. What's more, since I specialize in dark, fantasy, and paranormal romance, you don't have to worry that I'll be upset by any of your spicier scenes or monstrous MCs. Rest assured, I know exactly what I'm getting in to, and I'm so excited to help you take it to the next level!

Hello there!
My name's Anna.
I provide thorough, thoughtful editing services to independent authors who are looking to elevate their craft and their manuscript. I offer insightful questions, actionable advice, and respectful, considered edits. I will polish your writing, enhance your voice, and help you capture the hearts of your readers.